The information below is a several years out of date, and is used for historical reference. Newer details and pictures will posted when we find time.

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Ch. Glenmorris Star Kissed "Kisses"
(Ch Premiere Weeacre Lone Star X Ch Glenmorris Stardust)
Eye Check: Normal
Hips: Good Confirmation By Western
College of Veterinary Medicine
vWD clear by parentage

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to view the gallery.
Ch. Glenmorris Starstruck "Kiley"
(Kendale Step Bi Step 6pts X Glenmorris Lavender's
almost waited too long to breed to the lovely Kendale Step Bi
Step (6pts). Kiley was from his last litter and born in the
midst of a family crisis. I carried her across my heart and
ours will forever be entwined. Her show record speaks for itself BPIB and RWB at the 2003 WASSA specialty
and then winner of the open black class at the 2005 CSSA specialty.
Her daughters speak volumes about her value as a producer:
Glenmorris Flight of Fancy
Glenmorris Stardust
Bad Moon Rising
Eye Check: Normal
Hips: OVC Certified Clear
vWD clear by parentage


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to view the gallery.
Glenmorris Oh Mercy Me "Emma"
6pts. BPIG
Premiere Glenmorris Matrix X Glenmorris Have Mercy)
Eye Check: Normal
Hips: Good Confirmation By Western
College of Veterinary Medicine
vWD clear by parentage
Co-owned with Linda Elles


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Bad Moon Rising "Luna" 7pts.
Ch. Seahaven Chasing Moonbeams X Ch. Glenmorris Starstruck)
is from Kiley's second litter and by Am Ch. Seahaven Chasing Moonbeams.
At 5 months old we are getting very excited about her debut into
the show ring. I have been patiently waiting for a blue female
out of Kylie and we think she was worth the wait. |
clear by parentage


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Flight of Fancy "Whimsey"
Kyle Of Glenmorris X Ch. Glenmorris Starstruck)
BPIG winner. Thank you judge Archie Warnock.
had promised myself I would not keep another bi black bitch
(it had gotten to the point that my husband asked me if a puppy
had to be black before I considered keeping it). Despite my
best intentions to the contrary I fell hard for this little
lady. She truly represents the look we have worked to produce,
combining exquisite type with floating movement. While it is
easy to value her for her own merit she becomes even more special
because she is so reminiscent of her double great, great, great
grandsire, >Ch
Glenmorris Hartbeat Bi Weeacre, a great favorite around